Wisdom Talk Series, 2019 - Auckland

- Lokasyon: Auckland, Auckland
- Ürün kodu: PYTFJA
About the talk series:
Chinmaya Mission New Zealand is organizing a series of
evening talk series in English on the topic ‘Timeless Questions, Eternal Answers’.
Who are the participants? The talk series is a community event and is open to all New
Zealanders. All are welcome.
About the speaker?
Swami Swaroopananda is a world-renowned public speaker and
expert in the field of personal, managerial and spiritual development. He has inspired many
successful business leaders around the world and guided countless spiritual aspirants to
great heights in their inner unfoldment. He has conducted hundreds of seminars, retreats
and public lectures to touch the lives of a vast cross-section of humanity around the globe.
Swami Swaroopananda brings the timeless wisdom of Vedanta – the Perennial Philosophy
to today's life and people. His profound insights into modern personal and corporate life,
coupled with his humane and down-to-earth approach, makes Swami Swaroopananda a
unique spiritual leader and mentor.
What will be some of the highlights of this national youth camp?
A common platform to listen and contemplate on the deeper import of the teachings from
an internationally renowned Spiritual Teacher.
Kindles the fire of knowledge in an intelligent spiritual seeker
Participants gain inner transformation due to clarity about what one is doing, with a less
distracted mind and balance of positive emotions
Provides insightful answers to contemporary questions and challenges of life
The talk series are cooperative endeavors that unite like-minded people who together
organize a field for their own character development and spiritual growth.
Manifold benefits on their personal, familial, and societal levels
Who are the organizers? Chinmaya Mission New Zealand, a registered charitable trust
will be organizing this talk series for the benefit of the community. The purpose of the
Mission’s Vedantic teachings are to help seekers learn ethical values and cultivate a
discerning power – understanding the art of distinguishing the changeless, infinite
Substratum from the changing, finite world. Vedanta is the universal science of life, relevant
to people of all backgrounds and faiths. Vedanta inspires seekers to understand their own
faith better. As a spiritual movement that aims for inner growth at individual and collective
levels, the mission offers a wide array of Vedanta study forums for all ages, promotes Indian
classical art forms, and operates numerous social service projects. To date, millions
worldwide have benefitted directly or indirectly from Chinmaya Mission’s various centers,
retreats, spiritual camps, weekly classes, study groups, public talks, special events,
community services, and social projects.
About Chinmaya Mission: Chinmaya Mission operates in more than 25 countries and
has 300+ centers. We aim for the inner transformation of individuals through knowledge
of Vedanta (the knowledge of universal oneness and science of life), spiritual practices
and service to society, resulting in a happy world around them. Our mission is to provide
to individuals from any background, the wisdom of Vedanta and the practical means for
spiritual growth and happiness, enabling them to become positive contributors to
society. Our motto is “To give maximum happiness to the maximum number for the
maximum time”.